Horror Rewind
Twentieth Century Fox Entertainment, the creators of Delusion, and The Greatest Company are teaming up to bring classic horror films to life. The installation will pay tribute to Orlando Arocena's redesigned cover art of some of our most beloved iconic horror films. This immersive haunted attraction will position yours truly in the iconic role of CARRIE. Tickets are FREE and going fast! Make a reservation on https://www.eventbrite.com/e/horror-rewind-tickets-38132909559
More information about Horror Rewind: http://attractionsmagazine.com/horror-rewind-brings-classic-twentieth-century-fox-fright-films-to-life-in-los-angeles/
View and purchase Orlando Arocena's Exclusive redesigned artful DVD's: https://www.walmart.com/browse/halloween-fox-featured-artist/0/0/?_refineresult=true&_be_shelf_id=11121&search_sort=100&facet=shelf_id:11121